
HiElite Quartz is the prominent manufacturer of engineered Quartz Surfaces, Headquartered in Rajasthan province in India.

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Home Development Process
Development Process


Development Process

What we offer

Provides best services

Feeding &​ Mixing

Raw materials are inspected, then fed into mixers and blended together.


The mixture is then poured into a mold and formed into slab sizes of 306x144 cm or 120x57 inches.


The slab is then compacted by a special vacuum and vibration process at a pressure of 100 tons.


The slabs are moved to the curing kiln and heated to 90ºC for 45 minutes which gives them the ultimate strength and solidity.


Slabs are then gauged, calibra​ted and polished to a perfect finish in a wide range of colors and designs in one of our three textural surface finishes: Polished, Honed, or Textured.

​Quality Assurance

Finally, the slabs pass through quality inspection to ensure our customers receive a top quality product..


Each slab is then marked and labeled with all relevant information.